Are you using email marketing/sms marketing/fb messenger marketing and not getting your much-deserved share of this pie? The most common mistake most marketers make is limiting their marketing to only email or messenger and not building multichannel communication. What if you can combine the power of fb messenger + email+ sms to scale your business and get more clicks, sales, and conversions? Now, I am going to hand you a very useful tool so that you can easily start earning lots of money from combined messaging platform! – It is Sendley review – a cloud-based messaging platform that combines the power of messenger, bots, sms and email. No matter what business you are in, you need to create a multichannel marketing experience if you want to make profits in your business and not losing to your competitor. You need messenger, sms, and emails to build your brand, close more sales and get more traffic. And Sendly is with you. Digital Marketing Agency in Hisar Let’s keep re...